Cookies POLICY

What are cookies?

To ensure that our website works properly, we may sometimes place a small piece of data known as a cookie on your computer or mobile device. A cookie is a text file stored by a web server on a computer or mobile device. The content of a cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server that creates the cookie. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and certain numbers and characters. Cookies are unique to the browsers or mobile apps you use and allow websites to store data such as your preferences.

Why do we use Cookies?

The collection (through Cookies technology) of information contributes to the smooth operation of the website, to maintain your choices while browsing as well as to improve your experience when using the website. The exact purpose of use of each Cookie is described in the tables below.

What categories of cookies are used on;

NecessaryNecessary cookies are necessary for the smooth operation of the website and allow the visitor/user to browse and use its functions, such as the website language preference and for connecting users to the system so that they remain connected until they are logged out.Mandatory

Current Legislation

Cookies are governed by the e-privacy Directive 2002/58/EC, as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC, which was incorporated into Greek law by Law 3471/2006 and Law 4070/2012, as expressly provided and in the 2016/679 Personal Data Protection Regulation recital 173. According to the current law L. 3471/2006 (article 4 par.5, as amended by article 170 of L. 4070/2012) “The installation of cookies is only permitted with the consent of the user and after appropriate information». That is why, during the user’s first visit to the website, pop-up windows appear where the visitor/user can declare his consent to the installation of the cookies specifically mentioned.


Where your consent has been obtained for the use of Cookies, you have the possibility to withdraw the consent by deleting the “Cookies” files from your terminal equipment at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal. We inform you that the deletion of Cookies may have consequences on the ease of access to the Website and its services and may cause reduced functionality or ease of use.

Duration of storage of Cookies

Cookies are either temporary (session cookies) and are kept until you close your browser, or permanent (persistent cookies) and are kept for a longer period of time. Cookies are kept according to the type of each one and are deleted either automatically when they expire, or manually through the browser of your terminal equipment, whenever you wish. The Cookies used by this Website are kept for the time period mentioned in the tables above.

Cookies and personal data

ΤFor more information about your personal data, your rights and any other relevant information read the Privacy Policy of this Website. Amendments to the Cookies Policy The MR POPCORN may at any time update or modify this Policy in order to respond to any changes in the operation of the Website, the services it offers and the provisions of the law. Amendments will be posted on this Website.

Visitor preference cookies

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