You have entered the electronic address www.b2b.mrpopcorn.gr , created and operated by the “MR POP CORN S.A” food company (hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY), and constitutes the electronic platform through which it transacts with its users (now called CUSTOMERS). The COMPANY is located at Daskalogianni 15, Postal Code 14452, Metamorfosi Attica, and is legally represented with VAT number 081371983, Tax Authority Address of Athens, and Producer Number: 005379601000, and producer registration number 6627. You can contact the COMPANY via the email address info@mrpopcorn.gr and the telephone numbers (+30) 2108030998 and (+30) 2108030707.

The following terms and conditions will apply to the CLIENT of the B2B platform, who, when he enters the B2B platform at the electronic address www.b2b.mrpopcorn.gr with his personal information, and makes use of the platform’s services, is deemed to fully and unconditionally accept and consents to the following terms of use and conditions. Please, read these terms of service carefully because these terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you, the CUSTOMER, and the COMPANY and govern your use of COMPANY services. If you do not agree with the terms of use, please do not use the COMPANY’s services, because their use implies the express and unconditional acceptance of the terms of service by the CUSTOMER.


The COMPANY reserves the right to modify, renew or unilaterally cancel these terms of use and the conditions of transactions, made through the B2B platform, at any time and without any warning. The new/amended terms will be effective from their posting on the platform. The COMPANY also reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend/discontinue the operation of the B2B platform at its absolute discretion. For these reasons, the CUSTOMER must, before carrying out any transaction on the B2B platform, be informed each time of the applicable conditions. The use of the B2B platform presupposes unconditional acceptance of the applicable terms of use of the platform.


The CLIENT is obliged to use the B2B platform and its content in accordance with the law, good manners and the present conditions and not to engage in acts or omissions that may cause damage to the B2B platform or disrupt its operation in any way.

The user of the B2B platform is a CUSTOMER of the COMPANY, who has been granted a personal access code to the B2B platform, namely, www.b2b.mrpopcorn.gr , and must take appropriate measures to prevent any unauthorized access to it. The COMPANY bears no responsibility for any damage or harm caused to the CUSTOMER by unauthorized access to the platform. The CUSTOMER is solely and exclusively responsible for all operations and transactions carried out with his personal password on the B2B platform, as well as for the use of the services obtained with his password in accordance with these terms.

The registration of the CUSTOMER as a member of the B2B platform and his use of the platform is a presumption that the CUSTOMER has studied and unconditionally accepted these terms. If the CUSTOMER does not agree to any condition, he must not use the platform and not place orders for the purchase of products and generally do not engage in any transaction through the platform.

Each CUSTOMER uses the B2B platform at his own sole responsibility, and its content can in no way be considered to provide direct or indirect advice to CUSTOMERS to carry out any act/transaction.

The breach of any of these terms by the CUSTOMERS of the B2B platform entails their obligation to fully compensate for any loss/damage that may be caused as a result of this breach both to the COMPANY and to third parties. Additionally, the COMPANY, in case of non-compliance with the above, in addition to its rights by law, is entitled at its absolute discretion to interrupt/deactivate the CUSTOMER’s account and to suspend and/or prohibit his access to the electronic address of the B2B platform.


The B2B platform and its entire content, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, informative material, services and products provided, trademarks, brands, names, distinctive features, any form of data, software, are the intellectual and industrial property of the COMPANY or third parties with whom the COMPANY cooperates/represents and are protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European legislation and international conventions on intellectual and industrial property. Their use is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the COMPANY or their legal owner. By way of illustration only, the publication, transmission, transfer, reproduction, distribution, presentation, resale or in any other way commercial exploitation of the platform and its content is prohibited. In any case, the appearance and display of the above on the B2B platform should in no way be perceived as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.

Products, brands, trademarks and distinguishing features of third parties, which appear on this website, are their intellectual and industrial property, and they are solely responsible for them.    


The CUSTOMER is informed of the prices of the products sold upon entering the B2B platform through its price list posted on it, which may also include any agreed discounts on specific products. The COMPANY may change the prices of its products whenever necessary, without prior notice to the CUSTOMER, due to price appreciation or depreciation in the raw food materials and packaging materials that make up its products and which are part of the ever-changing global market. For the execution – delivery of orders using the COMPANY’s means of transport, it is a condition that the minimum value of each order is greater than €70, in total. For orders of lower value there will be a delivery fee of €8.00.

The CUSTOMER who wishes to purchase products through the B2B platform must follow the steps described on the platform regarding the process and how to order the products, select and add the products to their shopping cart and then send the order electronically of the COMPANY through the platform. After the completion of the order process, the CUSTOMER receives a relevant message on the platform and to the e-mail address (e-mail) declared to the COMPANY, confirming the receipt of his order by the COMPANY.

The registration of the order by the CUSTOMER should be done in a careful manner both in the content of the items and in their quantities and this is the sole responsibility of the CUSTOMER.

The direct payment of the order by the CUSTOMER, if he so wishes, can be made through the platform by charging his debit or credit card following the instructions given to him during the payment process. The correct payment by card during the payment process is the responsibility of the CUSTOMER. Also, the payment of the order can be fulfilled later on, by bank transfer or by depositing the COMPANY’s bank accounts with the name or distinguishing title of the CUSTOMER. Customer deposits to the COMPANY’s bank accounts without clear indications of the depositor do not bind the COMPANY to credit the deposit to the CUSTOMER’s account. In any case, the COMPANY is not bound to execute orders if the payment arrangement agreed between the two parties is not respected. CUSTOMER orders whose agreed payment agreement is “prepayment”, will only be routed for delivery once the amount of their value appears as a deposit into the COMPANY’s bank accounts. In any case, the payment arrangement agreed between the CUSTOMER & the COMPANY for the orders placed either through the B2B platform or in other ways must be observed without exception and otherwise it is not a commitment for the COMPANY to fulfill them.


The goods are produced, packed and delivered to the CUSTOMER or the carrier by the COMPANY’s personnel in accordance with the existing legislative principles governing them. The COMPANY, in the spirit of good cooperation that governs it with the CUSTOMER, works to serve him faster, to avoid unjustified delays and correct human errors, which may inevitably occur.

The use of the products by the CUSTOMER must be done in accordance with the instructions for use indicated on their packaging, they must not be used and consumed by infants and young children as well as by people who have allergies to any of their ingredients.

The usual delivery time of the goods to the CUSTOMER from the confirmation of the registration of his order on the platform is 1-3 working days for CUSTOMERS within Attica, while for CUSTOMERS outside Attica, the same delivery time concerns the delivery to the agencies of the transport companies. The delivery time to the CUSTOMER after the delivery of the COMPANY’s products to the transport companies depends on the capacity of the transport companies themselves.

The transport company that will carry out the transport of the products is the responsibility of the CUSTOMER, and the transport costs are borne by him. In addition to their removal from our area of responsibility, we cannot ensure any abuse of their packaging or their storage and handling in non-permissible conditions by carriers of which we are not aware of.

The CUSTOMER can return the products within 7 days, simply because he has changed his mind, only if they have not been altered, used and their packaging and contents have not been opened and tampered with. Merchandise returns are made by delivery to the COMPANY’s headquarters, during its working hours (daily 9.00-14.30, excluding weekends and holidays) only with the issuance and presentation by the CUSTOMER of legal handling documents and the cost of transport and delivery in this case shall be borne by the CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER can cancel or change his order in time only if its delivery has not been scheduled. After the cancellation or return of the items, the COMPANY is obliged to refund the amount paid by the CUSTOMER to a professional bank account belonging to him and only him within 4 days from the cancellation or return. The identity of the bank account for crediting the money will in any case be checked by the COMPANY.

The CUSTOMER declares his intention to return the products he received, to cancel or change the order he placed through the B2B platform, by contacting the COMPANY in the prescribed time either by phone or by e-mail, at the contact details given below:

Email address: info@mrpopcorn.gr .

Contact numbers: (+30) 2108030998, (+30) 2108030707.

The COMPANY reserves the right to terminate its cooperation with any CUSTOMER if it deems that its interests are affected either through the B2B platform or in any other way without the obligation to apologize to anyone for this act.


The COMPANY as the responsible party for the handling of personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EC 679/2016) and the national legislation (in particular Law 4624/19, Law 2472/1997, Law 3471/2006, as applicable from time to time, as well as the relevant decisions and instructions of the Personal Data Protection Authority), regarding the protection of personal data, receives and processes, from its CUSTOMERS, the following personal data:

• Organization – client details (name, tax information, etc.).

• Address billing.

• Contact Phone.

• Electronic address (email).

The CUSTOMER who communicates, by telephone, for information related to the COMPANY’s services, additionally provides, as the case may be, the following information:

• Direct contact phone number.

• Business bank accounts.

• Other information that may be mentioned during the conversation with him.

During the communication with the CUSTOMER, the secretary may request additional information from him, in order to confirm his identity (identity information).

The personal data that the COMPANY receives, comes into its possession from the CUSTOMER himself, and constitutes the necessary data for the use of the B2B platform and the fulfillment of its purposes (orders, handling, monitoring of purchases, etc.).

In the context of this contractual and generally transactional relationship of the CUSTOMER with the COMPANY, his personal data is processed by the latter and specifically recorded in a file, to serve the purpose of the B2B platform, the service of the CUSTOMER’s transactional relationship with the COMPANY, its evolution, the CLIENT’s history, including information regarding the CLIENT’s consistency in fulfilling his obligations. Also, in the context of the COMPANY’s legitimate interest, to inform the CLIENT about its products and services, the former will proceed with promotional communication to the CLIENT, for the service of this service and its general transactional relationship with him.

The CLIENT’s personal data are kept only for the necessary/reasonable duration for the realization of the above purposes of their collection and for as long as the transactional relationship between the CLIENT and the COMPANY is maintained. In any case, when this relationship is terminated, the CUSTOMER’s data will be deleted in a secure and irretrievable manner.

The COMPANY recognizes the importance of the security of the personal data of the CLIENTS of the platform and makes every reasonable effort, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure their security. The COMPANY informs that it processes personal data, applying and observing the necessary technical and organizational measures with the aim of protecting them against coincidental or non-coincidental changes, falsification or unauthorized disclosure or access to them, especially where the processing involves transferring the data through a network, and against all unlawful forms of processing. For example, there is an Antivirus installed in the information infrastructure, a Firewall to protect the infrastructure from internal and external threats, regular updating of the operating systems of information goods, classified access, encryption of critical information goods such as company devices, backup copies, files, etc., and relevant Security Policies are applied within the COMPANY, for the electronic and physical security of the infrastructure and data protection. In particular, with regard to the mentioned B2B platform, it implements the secure communication protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) with strong encryption, through which security is enhanced when transmitting data on the internet. However, CUSTOMERS must be aware that sending confidential information via e-mail is not the most secure way of communication, as it always involves the risk of reading this information by third parties.


The COMPANY works in good faith and will, so that any dispute that may arise with its CUSTOMERS is resolved amicably. If this ultimately becomes impossible, for the resolution of any other dispute or dispute arising from the use of the platform and its content, Greek law will be applied and the courts of Athens will be exclusively competent.

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