Popcorn, when it is sold fresh and prepared in the presence of the customer, is one of the few products that give so much profit to the professional. For this reason, the concern of every professional should be the increase of popcorn sales, even if it means putting aside other products in the store which produce lower profit rates. MR POP CORN company, a pioneer in the popcorn industry in Greece, gives some important advice for the increase of popcorn sales in the store and also for the increase of profit from the product. Follow them and you will not lose.
- It is said that “Pop corn is eaten first with the nose, then the eyes and finally with the mouth.” For this reason, the raw materials you use, should be qualitative and commercially successful enough, in order to attract customers from a distance through the flavors that exudes the popcorn preparation, to be impressed by the manufacturing process and the vibrant color and lastly to taste the buttery flavor. Using materials of MR POP CORN, you can be sure that your customers will permanently be yours.
- Place the popcorn machine in a place, so as to be the first thing to be seen by the customer. If possible, place the popcorn machine up to the customer service counter. It has been shown that the placement of the machine at this point, pays off. The popcorn product is consumed fresh and in this way is been created immediacy between product and customer. Think that it would be more easy to buy a fresh product e.g. a fruit if it is near the point of production than from the shelf of a shop.
- Try to produce popcorn in the peak hours of the store. The presence of customers in the store during the preparation of popcorn is important. Even when the amount of popcorn you have stored in the warmer is enough, prepare at least a kettle during this time. The smell, the noise and the image of popping popcorn will certainly attract the customers. A good example, if the store is a cinema, is the preparation of popcorn, during the time of the break. It is a tried and tested recipe for increased sales.
- If it is possible and the traffic of the store allows it, avoid serving popcorn to the customer from the warmers that you store it. Instead, it is preferable to serve popcorn from the popcorn machine.
- Use the recommended proportions of materials for a high quality product. Do not hesitate to spend, in order to have high quality materials for your product. The profit rate is large and the cost of materials diminishes as sales increase. The high quality of the products give value to your shop.
- Use serving materials (popcorn boxes) of MR POP CORN. Take advantage of the fact that millions of Greeks when they eat the popcorn through such a box they link the high quality with the shape and the printing of the box. The popcorn of MRPOPCORN is popular.
- Always fill the boxes of popcorn up until overflowing. This leaves a very good feeling and satisfaction to the customer for the product and the store. Think about the time you went to a restaurant, what your impression was, when you were served with a portion of food with meager amount. Contrary to the satisfaction you had when the portion was rich.
- Keep your machine and particularly the kettle clean. The feeling of cleanliness, when it comes to food, is an important factor to create reputation on stable customer base, and better sales to transient customers. Nobody eats food prepared in a dirty kettle.
- Take advantage of expansion rate of corn for your own profit. Use corn with the greatest possible expansion. A cheap corn with little expansion is almost always more expensive than a pricey corn but with greater expansion. The reason is no other than that the same materials will return more popcorn servings. The profit you get from selling more from popcorn servings not only will outweigh the price difference between the two maize but also will leave you a significant gain. MR POP CORN’s corn has the largest expansion worldwide.
- Ensure that the resistor and the thermostat of the kettle of popcorn machine operate properly. The popcorn preparation temperature plays a big role in the expansion of corn. If the temperature is not ideal, even if the corn has a large expansion, popcorn will not expand as it should be, so the portions that you will prepare with the same materials will be less than the portions that will be prepared if the temperature is correct.
For the supply of materials you should trust suppliers with recognized value. Remember that you sell food and food production has a strict legislation. Keep informed and updated by reliable sources about the specifications that your store and your suppliers should have. Do not evaluate the supplier of materials purely on the prices they sell. Start from the point that, if the product you sell is within legal standards and if someone is entitled to sell you. Everything starts from the right materials.